Scrabble Word Generator


Get Scrabble Help using the Scrabble Word Builder and make words from your letters. This word builder works as a Scrabble Cheat, Words with Friends solver, jumble solver, Scrabble Helper, or word unscrambler. The Scrabble Word Builder can use both the Scrabble board and rack.


The Scrabble Word Builder makes words from your rack and board. Play Scrabble ©, Words with Friends ©, Literati, Word Jumbles, Text Twist, Word Whomp, Chicktionary, Wordscraper, Lexulous, Wordfeud, Scrabble Helper, and other similar word games. Scrabble, Words with Friends, or Literati cannot be played here, the Scrabble Word Builder only helps you cheat.

The Scrabble Word Builder provides definitions for US English tournament words, ENABLE, SOWPODS, Collins (CSW), and Words with Friends word lists. ODS (French), German, Zingarelli (Italian), and Open Taal (Dutch) are available.

Spaces represent up to three blank tiles. Diacritical marks are ignored, use the corresponding English character. Board letters can be added At Start, Anywhere, or At End. Answers will have Start entries near the beginning or End near the end. Click Find to get possible answers.

At Start, At End, or Anywhere entries are treated as if they are on separate places on the board. Therefore, only one will be used for each answer.

Word Generators

On you can find different word generator tools to make words from letters for different word games like our Scrabble Word Finder, the Words With Friends Cheat and our Anagram Solver.
To get an overview of what you can do on, visit our Word Finder page. You can learn more about word games and word trivia in our article section. Find our most recent articles below.

Are you hiding in the washroom, desperately trying to find a solution to a Scrabble game with your friends?

Did you brag about your epic Scrabble skills and now you are losing both the game and your dignity?

Our tool is the best Scrabble Word Finder on the internet. Not only will we help you stay discreet while looking smart, but our helper is easy to use and intuitive. All you need to do is just input the letters in for the juiciest solutions.

How to use our Scrabble Word Finder
To use this tool, type in the letters that you have into the form above. It will then reveal the best words possible from the provided letters.

Our cheat covers specific scenarios that will happen in the middle of a game, but it also features different dictionaries and word lists that’ll adhere to Scrabble’s rules. That’ll silence the people that argue about how your answer doesn’t look like a word.

But wait! Why would someone cheat on Scrabble?
Let’s be real.
Scrabble is hard.

It is also a really fun game. Remember those times when you used to compete in spelling bees as a kid? Or those times when all those online word games were so popular that people were sending game requests instead of saying hi? They were fun, right? Crazily competitive, but fun.

There’s also something cool about bragging how big your vocabulary is. There’s no bigger honor than winning a Scrabble game when it comes to that.

Barack Obama regularly plays Scrabble with his family to win bragging rights within the household. If the former president uses Scrabble to earn bragging rights, it just goes to show how much respect winning a Scrabble game gets you. There’s nothing more seductive than winning it in Scrabble.

But in case you are really wondering, here are some of the reasons why people start considering using a Scrabble word generator or a Scrabble helper:

They are fed up with losing. Losing your fifth game in a row is seriously not fun!
They realized someone else might be cheating and decided to make the game fair again. After all, if your opponent is getting some extra help, why not you as well?
They just couldn’t save themselves from the worst rack you could ever get on Scrabble. They just want a little help, and they’ll go on to win the rest of the game with their natural skills.
Don’t worry. Regardless of the reason, Scrabble Word Finder is here for you.
You could subtly check your phone, pretend to be typing a message to your mom. No one will know better as you are quickly inputting your letters into our Scrabble Word Finder.


Your answer is there.

Suddenly, the game is in your favor again. You swipe the window close and put your phone away. You have the competitive edge back.

Using Our Scrabble Helper to Learn

Alternatively, using our Scrabble Word Finder is a great way to learn new words and figuring out how to be strategic in the game.

Yes, Scrabble has strategies! Not only is it essential to know the words, but it is also important to plan your moves.

The legitimate way of learning the game would be to buy an official Scrabble dictionary and hardcore memorizing it. Or you could even just remember the 20 most essential words in playing Scrabble to start.

But who has the time for that? Most importantly, how is that fun? You learn faster by playing the game, and you’ll likely enjoy it more too!

If you don’t want to be sweating bullets about secretly cheating in a game with friends, you could talk to them about allowing access to our Scrabble Word Finder as a tool.
By allowing Scrabble helpers and assistants, it can make the game more exciting because it will suddenly turn extremely strategic. You quickly learn that words with the highest score value won’t always win you the game.

It is also a great way to introduce newcomers to the game without making them feel extremely self-conscious about their vocabulary. By giving them a tool that can search words up, they’ll be able to be creative with their moves instead of focusing on what words they know.

Next time your friends pull out Scrabble, try playing this variation of the game and quickly realize how cutthroat and exciting Scrabble really can be!

About the Game
History of Scrabble

Scrabble has a long history behind it Mattel and Hasbro licensed it. Named LEXIKO initially, it was invented by Alfred Mosher Butts, an architect that was out of work during the Great Depression.

Unfortunately, this version of the game was rejected time and time again by different toy and board game manufacturers. No one wanted it. The iconic game board of Scrabble didn’t even exist then!

LEXIKO looked like it was doomed to failure. That was until Butts met James Brunot, an entrepreneur that loved board games.

They tested the game out and refined the rules and designs of it. With Brunot’s help, Butts was able to create the addictive word-centered board game that we now love today. They also then changed the name from LEXIKO to Scrabble.

Even then, it wasn’t an instant bullseye. While Scrabble slowly gained popularity, it wasn’t until the early 1950s when Macy’s (yes, the Macy’s that still exists today!) discovered the game. Once the renowned department store featured the game, Scrabble’s popularity skyrocketed.

That’s how Scrabble came to be the classic game that we have come to love.

How to Play

In this classic word-based game, players draw seven tiles from a bag filled with extra tiles. These tiles also called letters in the game, and they are used to form words on the game board.
Each letter has a different value assigned to it. The harder it is to use the letter, the more points they usually have. Letters with higher points are also rarer. For example, E has existing 12 tiles, while there’s only 1 Q tile for every game. You could see how many points each letter have below:

D: 2E: 1F: 4G: 2H: 4I: 1J: 8K: 5L: 1M: 3N: 1O: 1P: 3Q: 10R: 1S: 1T: 1U: 1V: 4W: 4X: 8

letters and their points
A: 1 B: 3 C: 3
Y: 4 Z: 10
The board also has bonus squares, and they come in all sort of variations. There are bonus squares that’ll double or even triple the score of the letter or word! The first player to use these squares gets the bonus. This means that going for the most complicated word might not always yield victory if you want to be the best Scrabble player!

For inspiration, here are a few moves that a player can take during their turn. Any combinations of these moves are also allowed:

Adding one or more letters to an existing word. For example: [ANGST]Y, [FAKE]RS, UN[INTERESTED].
Extending a word and playing perpendicular to the current word on the board. For example, playing UNDER by hooking it to the U from UNINTERESTED.
Playing parallel to an existing word to form several short words. For example, playing CON under JACK to form [J]O and [A]N at the same time.
There are also a few ways to end a Scrabble game:

One of the players have played every single tile on their rack, and there are no more extra tiles in the bag.
At least six scoreless turns have occurred between the players, and the players themselves have agreed to end the game.
Once the game has ended, each player’s score is reduced by the scores of the unplayed letters. The player with the highest total score wins the game!

Recommended Content

If you enjoy Scrabble, you might also enjoy other mobile word-based games, check out our reviews on what’s the hottest games right now! We also have a lot of tips on how to dominate those word games!

Did you check out the Scrabble app? Check out what we think about playing Scrabble online!
We’ve also interviewed the man behind the Facebook Scrabble League. Listen to his thoughts about creating the FSL software and how his love for Scrabble inspired him.


Select the type of game you are using with the game design option located above the board. You should also pick a suitable dictionary.

Blank tiles can be added to the rack using the space bar. Blank tiles can be added to the board by entering the letter they represent, then selecting the square and pressing the space bar.

You can set your own bonus squares by pressing the number keys with a board square selected. For example, pressing 2 will cycle between a double letter and double word score. To clear a bonus, press 1.

Select the Game Design tab to customize the tile distribution and scores, change the board size, alter the size of the rack and adjust the bingos.

If you are playing Words With Friends, Lexulous or Wordscraper on Facebook or Lexulous on, you can import your game using our Chrome and Firefox browser extensions.

Once you have filled the board and rack to match the game you are solving, click "Get Solutions" to see the valid moves and their strategic value.

Scrabble Word Generator Tools

Word generators for Scrabble are becoming more common as online and mobile versions of the popular word game are gaining users. These tools let people plug in the letters they have and see what words they can make to stay in the game. While official Scrabble rules do not sanction the use of such generators during game play, they are good for practice and for noncompetitive play.

Word Generators Online

Using a word generator or anagram tool while playing Scrabble is considered cheating, though this is by far the most common reason people seek them out. Still, they can be handy to find out if the word you want to use is indeed an acceptable word. Kids will find these generators helpful as well, especially if they are playing a game with adults and want to even the playing field. When you're down to only a handful of tiles or have unusual letters, it's very tempting to use an anagram tool to find uncommon two-letter words to fit into the puzzle.

Whether you're simply interested in building your vocabulary or you really need a big point boost, these Scrabble word builders can help.

Win Every Game

The word builder at Win Every Game lets you insert up to 12 letters, including a question mark or space for a blank tile. You may also enter prefixes or suffixes. Results are displayed in columns containing the words and number of letters in each word. The longest words are displayed first.

Lexical Word Finder

Lexical Word Finder offers a different perspective on word finding during a Scrabble game. This one has an actual representation of a Scrabble board, and allows you to record your game as you go along. You can then punch word combinations into the board to see if they will work and where they will fit. You can choose traditional Scrabble or one of many of the online and mobile versions of the game, making this tool extremely versatile.

A2Z Word Finder

A2Z Word Finder has multiple word generators, including one for searching partial words. Also handy is a tool that allows you to input your tiles along with the word on the board you would like to play off of. The Word Verfication tool will help you determine if a word you want to play is actually a correct English word.

The Word Finder

The Word Finder is a simple interface that lets you enter the tiles on your rack and add extra strings if you feel some of the letters you have will create a longer word with tiles currently on the Scrabble board. You can also access word lists, such as two-letter words and words with q, to help you become a stronger player.

Scrabble Cheat-O-Matic

The Scrabble Cheat-O-Matic is another worthwhile word generator. With the Cheat-O-Matic, you can choose between three different dictionaries of words. The search engine can only handle one blank tile at a time, so if you have both available blanks in your hand, you will have to leave one out of the mix.

Scrabble Cheat

Probably one of the best-known cheat sites is Scrabble Cheat. Using an official Scrabble word list, you can input the letters you currently have into their search engine, and you will then be given a list of words you can potentially use. Select how you would like a particular letter to be positioned and sort the words by point value for a quick victory.

Hasbro Scrabble Dictionary and Word Builder

Hasbro, the company that makes Scrabble, offers two tools for you to use. Enter a word in the official Scrabble dictionary to see if it is acceptable for the game. Alternatively, enter a few letters or part of a word, and you will quickly be given ideas for complete words that can be made with the letters you have entered.

Scrabble Helper

Scrabble Helper is designed to give word ideas. It uses a very simple interface that includes four steps. Enter your letters, choose an existing word to attach to if desired, select your game dictionary, and submit. Results include standalone words, those you can play on each letter of the word you want to attach to, as well as options to extend the existing word you entered.


The word finder at Anagrammer isn't fancy and the page is riddled with ads. It does offer some advantages, however, including the ability to type in both rack tiles and board tiles with quick results. The handiest feature is that your results can be sorted in various ways, including by score or length of word. You can also check for words containing a specific string of letters.

Keep the Game Fair

Using a word generator can be tempting, especially if you're trying to catch up to an opponent in an online game. To keep things fair across the board, decide with your opponent before the game starts whether these tools will be allowed, and then stick to that decision. While you might get some temporary satisfaction from a high-scoring play, in the end you'll want to win based on your own merit.

Scrabble Word Finder

An instant check for words allowed in Scrabble™. Includes Scrabble word definitions and scores. Collins is the only online Scrabble word checker to use the official tournament word list, including over a quarter of a million permissible words. It's endorsed by Mattel and the World English-Language Scrabble™ Players’ Association.

What is Scrabble?

It’s a word board game which requires minimum two to maximum of four players. Each block features a letter and you need to create words by arranging these letter blocks onto a board which is segregated into 15X15 square grids. The words can be formed in crossword style and can read from left to right in a row or downwards in a column. These should be words with a proper meaning and that are defined in the standard dictionary.

Origin and History of Scrabble

The name, Scrabble, is owned by Hasbro, Inc. located in the United States and Canada. Everywhere else it is owned by Mattel. Available in 29 different languages in 121 countries, around 150 million of Scrabble sets are already sold across the world. What’s interesting is, that there are around 4000 Scrabble clubs across the world.

The game was designed by an American architect named Alfred Mosher Butts in 1938. This was a variation of the older version of a game called Lexiko, designed by him. He named the new game as “Criss-Crosswords” and added 15x15 gameboard and the gameplay in crossword style.

The name was changed to Scrabble by James Brunot in 1948, who was one of the few owners of the original game (Criss-Crosswords). He also rearranged the premium grids on the board slightly and made the rules easier. The big break for Scrabble they say, came in 1952 when the president of Macy’s, Jack Stratus, played the game during holidays.

The game received its trademark in 1972. Scrabble was also turned into a TV show on NBC that ran from 1984 to 1990., and then again for a few months in 1993. In 2004, it was added to the National Toy Hall of Fame in 2004.

How to Play Scrabble?

Scrabble is a fun, classic game that is loved by all, but not everyone knows how to play it properly. There are set up rules accompanying each game that most of us do not want to read through. While you must read the instruction sent along with the game set, you can also watch the online video tutorials helping you to better understand the game.

The primary aim of the game is to earn the most points by making fresh meaningful words on the board that should be connected to the words formed by your fellow players.

This popular word game is played by 2 to 4 players at a time. The game set contains a square board with 15 squares high and 15 squares wide, each of which fits in a single letter tile. It comes with 100 tiles to be used in the game of which 98 of them are letters and point values. The remaining two tiles are blank that can be used as wild tiles to replace any letter. If you play a blank, it will be continued to be used as the letter it was used for.

Different letters have different point values in the game. It will be based on how rare is the letter and how challenging it may be to use that letter? Blank tiles hold no point value.

Points for Each Letter

Below are the points assigned to each tile/letter in a Scrabble game.

Blank tile - 0

A, E, I, L, N, O, R, S, T and U - 1

D and G - 2

B, C, M and P - 3

F, H, V, W and Y - 4

K – 5

J and X - 8

Q and Z – 10

Bonus Point Values

There are some squares on the board that offer bonus points. So, when you place a tile on that square to form a word, the value of the letter on the tile will multiply by 2 or 3 times. Some squares also offer points by multiplying the total value of the word and not just the single value of that one tile alone.

  • Double Letter Scores – The light blue squares multiply the value of the tile placed on it to double. These are isolated and so, you can earn bonus points only when you use them.
  • Triple Letter Scores – the dark blue cells multiply the value of the tile placed on it to triple.
  • Double Word Score – These are light red squares that run diagonally towards four corners of the board. It doubles the value of the entire word when placed on these squares.
  • Triple Word Score – These are dark red squares placed at equal distance from each other on all four sides of the board. When placed on these squares the entire value of the word is tripled.
  • Single Use – The above bonus points cells can be used only once. Once you have earned the multiplied points, you would not earn more points by placing another word on the same cells again.

Preparation for the Game

Before you start with the game, make sure that you have all that you need to play Scrabble.

  1. Scrabble Game Board
  2. 100 Letter Tiles
  3. One letter rack each for individual players
  4. One cloth bag to hold the tiles
  5. 2 to 4 people to play the game

Additional Requirements

Keep a dictionary or your smartphone handy with an app like word finder for Scrabble that can help you deal with challenges when you think that the opponent has created a wrong word.

How to Start the Game?

To start the game, shake the bag full of tiles and then each player will have to pick one tile without looking at it. Once chosen all the players will have to place their tiles face up on the table to show what you have got. The player who has a letter that’s closest to the letter “A” gets to start the game. But, if any player gets a blank tile, he or she gets to start the game first.

The player who got the tile closes to “A” allows the other players to pick their seven tiles each. Make sure that you cannot see the tiles while picking them and neither should you show your picks to your fellow players. Simply place the chosen tiles on your rack and pass the bag for others to choose their seven tiles.

Rules of the Game

Once you have chosen the seven tiles, you will get three options for each turn. Make your word, exchange tiles for new ones or just pass the turn. You get points for only making words and not for the other two options.

If you want to exchange the tiles, you have a choice to exchange a single tile or all that you currently possess. Once the tile/s are exchanged, your turn is over and you will now have to wait till your next turn to make a word on the board.

You can pass your turn any time. You will lose that turn and hope to get a chance to play again. If you pass your turn twice in a row, the game will end and the winner will be the one with the highest score.

How to Play the Game?

As mentioned above, the player with the letter tile closest to the letter “A” or with a blank tile starts first. The first word should be of minimum two tiles and it should be placed on the star cell at the centre of the board. You can place the word vertically or horizontally, but not diagonally.

Make sure that you have a pen and a notepad handy to calculate the points earned with each word placed. The first player who places the word will earn double the points because the star cell is the Premium Square with double word score. So, if the total value of the first word is 5, the player will earn 10 points. Continue with the game in clockwise direction around the Scrabble board.

Now simply add up the points printed on the lower right corner of each tiles of the word you created. Double the total value of the word if you placed the word on a square that says “Double Word” or double the value of the letter on the tile that’s placed on a square that says “Double Letter”.

With each turn, you will get to pick as many new tiles as the number of tiles you used in your last turn. For example, if you made a word with 4 tiles, you can draw 4 tiles once your turn is over.

In your next turn, you will have to add to the words that the other player just created. This means that you cannot create word anywhere for your next turn and all the tiles should be connected. Here, you have to consider all the connected tiles while adding to the words. Your addition should create at least one new word.

If you think the word created by the opponent is not valid or has been misspelled, you can challenge the player. Check for the word in the dictionary. The challenger loses his/her turn if the word is in the dictionary/word finder tool and is spelt correctly. But, if it’s not in the dictionary or if its spelled incorrectly, then the player must remove the word and he/she loses the turn with no points gained.

Once you have used all the seven tiles to make a word on the Scrabble board, you are due for an exciting reward. You will receive 50 bonus points at this time which is in addition to the total value of the word. However, this is only for a word that used all the seven letter tiles, and not if you are done with the letter tiles towards the end of the game.

Once all the tiles in the bag are used up and any of the players have placed all their tiles, the game ends and the person with the highest score is declared the winner.

Once the game has ended, each player must count the points of their remaining tiles that have not been used. This value is then deducted from the final score of each player. If you have finished the game with no remaining tiles, an extra bonus is awarded to you. The tile value of all the remaining players is added to the score of the person with no remaining tiles to arrive at the final score.

After all the final scores are calculated, the player with the highest score is the winner.

Interesting Facts about scrabble

  • Approximately one-third of American and half of the British households have a Scrabble set.
  • Apart from being available in over 50 languages, Scrabble is also available in Irish and Welsh. There’s a Klingon version also available albeit an unofficial one.
  • The Malaysian Scrabble contains 19 letter “A” tiles which is the maximum for any language.
  • Over eight Scrabble games are started each second.
  • “V” is the only letter that cannot be a part of a two-letter word.

So, sharpen your word skills with Scrabble while you have fun with friends and family. All you need is a good “word finder” tool to get going with the game.

Word of the Day from the National SCRABBLE Association (NSA). Learn a new word every day! The NSA Word of the Day includes its definition and possible anagrams, hooks, ana-hooks, "typos", blana-grams, extensions, and sub-anagrams. To understand exactly what these terms mean, visit the WOTD Glossary.
SCRABBLE Word Lists from Hasbro. These lists come straight from the maker of the board game. "Are you at a loss for words? Turn your brain into a SCRABBLE database! The word lists below represent the most useful game words in SCRABBLE. Memorize the lists, and you'll soon find usable combinations appearing on your rack again and again."


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